Color Coded: The Importance of Metal Roofing Colors
When it comes to metal roofing, there are a number of positive attributes and selling points that may appeal to homeowners. The strength and durability of metal roofing is unrivaled and its energy efficiency and environmental friendliness allows homeowners to feel conscientious about their roofing investment. Another benefit of metal roofing is its ability to improve a homes’ curb appeal. A well-designed roof will not only provide your home with protection from the outside elements, but will also enhance the exterior design of a home. While the type of metal (copper, aluminum, zinc, and steel) and roof profiles (standing seam, corrugated, double-ribbed, etc.) are frequently considered, the importance of color selection is often overlooked.
As a roofer, it is important to keep in mind that a roofline’s style is just as important as quality to homeowners. In many cases, color may be the answer! With such a wide variety of colors available, choosing the perfect color may prove to be a bit overwhelming for homeowners. Luckily, there are a few ways to ease the process for customers.
While showing color options to your customer, the Metal Roofing Alliance (MRA) advises the following considerations when selecting a color:
1. Light
Colors may appear different to the human eye based on daily weather conditions and time of day. For example, colors will look different on cloudy days versus bright sunshine or in the morning versus the evening as the sky darkens.

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2. Pretty & Practical
The color of a roof can impact electricity costs considerably, which is why it is important to assess the benefits and drawbacks of cool and warm roofs. A cool roof is a roofing system that reflects the visible, infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths of the sun, reducing heat transfer to the building, and radiate absorbed, or non-reflected solar energy. Historically, cool roofs have been either white or some other lighter color. Warm roofs reflect less wavelengths from the sun, allowing more heat into the home.
For example, a white metal roof, or cool roof, can maintain temperatures 50 to 60 degrees cooler than a dark color asphalt shingle roof. A lighter hue may be a better option if you live in a sunny, warmer climate for maximum energy efficiency. However, if a customer resides in a region with warmer weather but prefers a warm roof color, there are manufacturers with product technology available that can achieve substantial levels of solar reflectivity even in dark, rich hues.
3. Surroundings
Paint colors tend to change, but metal roofs could last for more than a half-century with properly scheduled maintenance. Select a color that serves the best interests of the style of the home and neighborhood.
To ensure a color is indeed the perfect color, the MRA provides a useful online tool that allows customers to upload photos of their home and test out specific types and colors of metal roofing. Try it here.
4. Test of Time
Homeowners who want to ensure their roof’s color stays the same tomorrow as it is today should select material with high quality paint finishes, such as Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) coatings. For those who prefer natural variances, some bare metals like copper will patina due to oxidation and naturally change color over time.
Reviewing the four primary consideration listed above will allow your potential customers to select their metal roofing specifications with confidence! Do you need some color inspiration? Check out the 2019 Top Color Trends of the Year. Perhaps you have more questions? Contact the RapidMaterials team for expert advice based on decades of professional field experience.